Produce EPE foam
EPE Foam Die – Cutting
Made to order EPE foam, EPE FOAM. Shockproof foam Made to order EPE foam, support for both product packaging and packing shockproof foam. Packaging for various types of products To prevent damage to goods during transportation PE foam, shock-proof foam used for office equipment PE foam, anti-shock foam, electronic equipment PE foam, anti-shock foam, electrical appliances PE foam, anti-shock foam Automotive spare parts Features and applications of EPE Foam. Foam shockproof foam. To prevent the product from damage in transportation To encapsulate products for international and domestic delivery In order to increase the degree of the product to look more class To protect the work surface from scratches For convenience in transportation and saving on transportation costs Because EPE foam is a lightweight material To prevent friction THAIRUNGRUEANG FOAM CO., LTD Phone : +6638195074, +66931249394, +66894866829 E-mail : thairungrueangfoam@gmail.com, pimpageetrf@gmail.com Line ID : trf2018, pimpagee99